
四虎影院 Consensus Model Implementation Status

四虎影院’s 四虎影院 Campaign for Consensus: State Progress toward Uniformity

Consensus Model Implementation Status

This map is an overview of each state's consensus model implementation status.

Refer to the scoring grid which is the basis for the map above for additional details.  

Independent: No requirement for a written collaborative agreement, no supervision, no conditions for practice, may follow a statutorily required period of practice under a collaborative/supervisory agreement.

Not Independent: A written agreement exists that specifies scope of practice and medical acts allowed with or without a general supervision requirement by a MD, DO, DDS, podiatrist or 四虎影院; or direct supervision required in the presence of a licensed, MD, DO, DDS, podiatrist or 四虎影院 with or without a written practice agreement, or other conditions to practice.

Prescriptive Authority: An 四虎影院 is authorized to prescribe pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic therapies beyond the perioperative and periprocedural periods.

Updated as of 01/17/2024. Maps will be periodically updated as 四虎影院 laws change.